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Portage Daily Register from Portage, Wisconsin • 1

Portage Daily Register from Portage, Wisconsin • 1

Portage, Wisconsin
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SMBEMOCRAT vzAnjrn Freestei tonight -warmer Sunday ZZZZ7 rc3 rcmca rra icua cm JlL ESTABLISHED 1SC6 15 Cents a Week Delivered PORTAGE WISCONSIN SATURDAY APRIL 16 1921 WILLIAM CHELLIS IS NAMED FOR MARSHALL Jp oie ov -And Still Soaring With ths Churchm DL A S03IT state Among other appointments made bv President Harding that of William Chellts is announced as United States marfhall for the western district of Wisconsin Mr Chellis is a resident of Wausau and was the candidate of Senator ienroot who Is nog generally recognised aa the dispenser of patronage in the state Wisconsin EDITOR JONES PAVS TRIBUTE TO MRS STROUD AT K1LBOURN FORMER COLUMBIA COUNTY ROY COMINO TO THE FRONT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ralph Hindman Faator 10:00 a Sunday School -llrOO A If Morning worship Sermon by Bey Hindman of Colnmbua Ohio 3 Junior and Intermediate Endeavor Society i i 6:30 Senior Endeavor 7:30 p' Sacred concert The cantata by Gounod The public la larUed -i" Thursday' evening prayer and conference meeting EVERYTHIUB 'SET FOR BIG DAIICE Fifty dollars in gold to be GIVEN AWAY TO INCREASE ATTENDANCE ZZ- Mr Scott ofRltxvUle WhV Ington son of the late Kennedy Scott of Bid haa been appointed by the governor to a position In the "state cabinet as Director of Conservation and Development Fie will have the supervision of fire bureaus forestry hydraulics geology reclamation and the Colombia Baain aurvey Thaa Mr Scott will be placed over someof the moat Important interest of the state of Washington The department of forestry gnd re-11 clamatloa la' that state Affer their pervialng head the greatest For the exerrtae of every construe-live faculty that he possesses la 1 this poyltlon of responsibility we are assured our Columbia county product will make good It I hack of him The Scott and the Buchannln blood make a good combination FIRST CHURCH Raw Wt Harris Fatter 10:90 a Bible school 11:00 a Public Worship Subject "Our Debt to" Martin U-ther" A i sendee commemorative of the Quadrl oyntennla! of Luther at the Diet of Worms" 9:30 Ppworth Leagne Subject Cao Wo Improve Our Leader Mrs Marie Reed 7:30 Evening service of praise and' sermon Thursday Mid-week service of praise and prayer HEAVY SNOvy REPORTED PROM DIFFERENT SECTIONS We have given ohltuary notlcea of the death and of the burial of Mrs Strand the mother of Judge Strond of this cy We select the following passage front the obituary notice and tribute to her worth given by Editor Jone in the Kllbourn Weekly Events: S- from the Kllbourn State hank which wa founded hy her hna- band 37 years ago she was accent- panled on jthe last stage of her Jonr-nejr by friends of her own former life' and of the family out Broadway Tuet day-forenoon to Spring Grove cemetery fn that assembly of people around the open 'grave were tome alas how few in number of those who had known her in the time of her busy useful noble life In' this community Standing there this beautiful spring morning amid evidences of the beginning of the year to a few families with the history of the long ago there were pathetic suggestions of the ending of years for Kll bourn's pioneer citizens' Looking away to the west over the fields Just beginning to put on their newness of life could be seen the sight of old Newport village where so many herolo lives began wrought nobly and now sleep Id honored memory around this newly opened grave These silent stones that so numerously stand ok that hill side hear more than the names of those sleeping beneath them Around each name clusters memories of men and women whose exalted lives high moral Integrity and noble ambitions -made Kllbourn pos- sible Beginning life here In forests to which the axe of the woodman had never been applied surrounded by In- dians and wild animals with few comforts and no modern conveniences these pioneer heroes wrought for civilization and Ge posterity that now enjoy the fruits of their sacrifice and rtvatfofi bai familiar with the history of those years snd acquainted with the men and women who made BAPTIST tHURCH 4 Rev E- Speegla Fatter Sunday School 10:00 a Morning Worship 11:00 a 1 Evening service 7:30 Thursday 7:30 prayer meet-tog Mil vOGFFilLO LEE LOCAL GETS OLD LEnER All arrangements are practically completed for the big dance to given at the Armory on the evening Of April 28 under the auspices of Me Queeney Lodge No 10ft Knight of Pythias Oscar A Klenert will have charge of the gift of $50 In gold The committees In charge are: Ostheliler Frank Graham It Jamieson Wallace Mtirisoa Castle Stanley Dr Yf Older Otto Isberner and Robert If Abell A Papke MurrIIls Lnrvey A Rebhols Frank Cushing and A Tjiylor Dunn Stot-ser A Story A Kellogg Tongen Hul-er A Manthey Anton Lohr Harry Sllnger A Slinger Meuller Lawrenx Staudenmayer George Staaden-mayer Gordon Staudenmayer- Vf Brauer Andrews 3l -Weinke Clark Pfell Pan! Iluebner David Buglass Bnglasg Several of our portage fishermen Leisch Anton Klenert A Jones who have gone down to Buffalo lake Frank Splaine Henry Zamsow If for pickerel and pike have come hackB Stowers Wm Stafford It In a rathef discouraged mood having fTol)In King CXto Kopplin been warned by Endeavor and Pack-Tuckwood Farnsworth Dr waukee people that the law permitting' Older Dunn Strain tlie taking of pickerel and pike at this Paul Schulse Port Geo season it the year with hook and Une Michel EL Blass Blass Cbas In the waters of Buffalo lake and the Wills Arthur Zinke Calkins ln rcotinty had i Leonard Rolleston Gochenour been' repealed It develops now Byron Jowett Cook Louis Rot- A thirty-eight mile nn hour gale was sweeping across eastern Wisconsin today The weather forraater predicted that storm will continue during today sweeping north ward Shipping on the lakes waa demolished- by the atorm Milwaukee at 10 today wac buried under ten Inches of gnow Street car see-rice waa abandoned and laterurban service to Racine waa blocked Steam trains on some road were not operat Ing Thousands of unemployed were put to work Business la at a standstill ST LUTHERAN Rev Wm Uffcnbeek Faator KILBOURN BANK DIRECTORS ELECT NEW PRESIDENT 1 Harry Barney of Sparta haa been elected bythe directors of the Farmers and Merchants State Bank of KUhoura to succeed hi brother the late Robert Barney as president of that institution The new bank president ts associated 'with his brother A Barney in the Sparta bank and Is an experienced banker 10:00 preaching service In German 11:15 Sunday school 7:30 Preaching service In English THE MARGUETTE COUNTY OPEN LAW ON PICKEREL AND PIKE NOT REPEALED PORTAGE NATIONAL GUARO UNIT TO BE OFFICIALLY KNOWN AB COMPANY Washington 1 Transportation and communication lines are paralysed by a early one foot of enow and high' winds evangelical church Rev Wm Mshn Patter 10:00 Sunday school 14 11:00 Divine worship Subject: "Blest to Evening service Subject "Hearts Deceases and 3 45 Monday religion Inatnetlon 730 Thursday prayer meeting Let Sundny be a churrh going Sunday for young and old You are Invited to our service FLORIDA IBS FORMER RESIDEtIT rt xt lwi Moines Hear snow fall and sleet accompanied by high winds JFR transportation and traffic to- day i In the assignment of the allotment of national guard units of the atate approved by the Secretary of War and announced by Adjutant General Hol-way the 29th Company of Portage will be officially known as Co Second 125th Infantry Other units in the second battalion are Chippewa Falls Beaver Dam Wausau and Rice Lake Other companies In the 128th Infantry-are Tomah to he headquarter company Xelllavlll Mauston Phillips Menomonle Ean Claire Marshfield Ashland White-water Madison MonrOe Beloit and Plattevllle The regftnentband will be from Wausau MRS ALICE VOSHARDT IS MADE THE STATE ORACLE BY THE ROYAL NEIGHBORS 1 0 REV EVATT TO BE CHAPLAIN AT THE ST BARNABAS HOME yds is merely a yase of "sour grapes" ter Berry Otto Kransush or else those local denizens are labor- Bolting Dalton Royal Staudeta Ing tinder misinformation iteems may err Ralph Staudenmayer Many of the people of Portage will Pable however that the ac Com Billings Henry A remember Ute VoshardJ family tion la werelyj subterfuge to keep Johnson McNutt Harry Race Perfect day As the Rev Irish who resided in this city tenor a dozen that history an incident like that last Tuesday morning was like opening a window Into aacred memories Into hallowed associations to "end of Portage fishermen and others away Hugh Williams George LInscott Baraboo who thirty years ago waa ST EPISCOPAL Rev Webster Rector Rector Telephone 55 Holy Communion 7:39 a 9:43 a Sunday school Rev Robert Evatt who haa been spending the winter in Portage assist-in In the services at St John' EpM copal church during the time the 'con- Morning prayer and sermon The 128th Infantry and the 127th gregation was without rector has m- Topic Proof of the Truth( Infantry also made up from Wlscon-left for Pittsburg Pa where he Is of jain units including Milwaukee Osb- to be chaplain ef St Barnabas Home1 Evening prayer with short address kosh and other northern companies at Gibson la a suburb of that city The public la cordially Invited worship with us with Oconto as headquarters puny are assigned to the 64th Infantry Brigade Sparta- has been designated as headquarters company of the 64th Infantry Brigade 1 from those" waters Frank LInscott David Owen David PaBtor ot thft church In which Mrs 0J Peters of this city who is' Williams A shannon Wilke stroud had tong faithfully and ef-a recognized authority on the appltca-rC A Peters Harold Peters Wm Xle- latently erved paid tribute to one ot tlon of the fish and game laws aud(meyer Nleme-er and Ood most beautiful creations a true who Is working in accord with the Klug jnoble helpful Christian woman It al- conservation commission makes aa A war tax of five cents per person no8t amed as If a voice of approval snrance that under the provisions of will be collected at the door and to C8'ne from the graves of those Who Section 29-19 Laws of 1919 it' is still those not having purchased tickets in inpr er Hfe nd had been await-pet missible to catch pike and pickerel advance admission at the door will tog her last -homecoming While It with hook and line In the water of be 50 cents or $1 ppr couple Door j8 true that the Influence of this refined lady this sweet mannered sympathetic amiable Christian woman was laid to rest a community that has matured since the days of her llf here the influence of that life Is impressed on all that has succeeded her Of such lives It can be truly said as Is written In word: Thou has section has not been repealed nor changed and there is no likelihood that anf change will he made at the present session of the legislature Mr Peters has assured himself that' the situation is as stated and says the Edward Borchardt ot this city and years ago when Mr Yosharilt coming here from Weyauwega established a job printing business which was later sold to Pfell-Ernsperger being at present conducted by Robert Pfeil at 123 East Cook street 7 Mrs Alice Voshardt now a resident of Tampa Florida was recently elected State Oracle for the tri-enniat term and was also chosen as alternate state delegate to the national council of the order The many friends of the family In Portage and especially those In the Royal Neighbor camps 'will be pleased to learn of Mrs recognition and advancement in lodge circles In her southern home CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services al Odd Fellows hall at 11 a i Subject "Doctrine of 8nadty School Wednesday Evening Meeting 7:30 You are lovited at THE CENTENARY FUND SAVES CHURCH INTHE ORIENT 1 1 1 A Some time ago the Methodist Epls- copal church set out to raise Centenary fund as a basis for the stion and advance of the church The fund was secured both by immediate gifts and Individual pledges for periodic payments 4 It had been predicted that iitte suit of this movement the membership of the church would fall at men would not subscribe to such pledges DIVIDE STATE PRINTING AND KEEP IT IN THE STATE ii The state printing board by sending to Des Moines Iowa are said to have saved $26810 annually according to authority of the commission Is behind rts Pearl Sanders of Fort Wlnneba-jtotoed the work of their hands and his statement and that our local fish-'go were united In marriage on Tuee- 'er Substance Is increased In the ermen need have no fear ot prosec u-1 day April 12 and the occasion was tion for fishing with hook and line Jn'duly celebrated on Wednesday 'eVen-the waters now or at any! in at Mr home In Port-other under the existing statutes age- by his fellow Fred Swannel's road cro-Tfn highway No SOME GARDENING HELPS AT PORTAGE PUBLIC LIBRARY 8T CHURCH Rev McBride Faster High Mass of Exposition at 6 which the Blessed Sacrament will parts aftd an answer to such pessimists the re-j1 exposed and remain so until the printing establishments in the state the editor of the hoard It would seem that this printing could be split up Into a number of submitted Jo the many HAVE THE WETS CAPTURED REAPPOINTMENT COMMITTEE? Aa the printing contract Involves $250-000 it Is quite out of (he question for Dr Peter the smaller ahopa to offer figures on aervice In the evening 8:00 a- Low Maas 10:00 a m- J(Igh Mata Leo Johnson Professor at SL Francis' the total but very many would Seminary Milwaukee will speak I glad to blT upon quantities within the 7:30 Benediction Rev Trl limit of their plants ANOTHER CITY IS PAVING THE WAY FOR TOURISTS This course might he a little more inconvenient for those having the printing In charge but It would con form with a general sentiment In the state that the printing ought It possible to be kept at home 29 Tha groom was the only son of Albert Borchardt has been doing engineer work on the county highways for the patd six months -and at the present time is the engineer at the Swannel camp The bride has been employed as a bookkeeper at Rockford 111 until the past year which time she has spent at her home In FYrt Winnebago Their many friends and acquaintances unite in wishing them joy and 4 -e-y- happiness McCarthy of BriggsviHe will speak TRINITATIS CHURCH Rtv Julius Ralchart Faator Sunday school at 10:00 a Services ft 11 a Young meeting will be postponed till April 26th Mission Society Basaar will be held April 28th at the church parlors The following is a list of the hooka and pamphlets on agriculture and landscape gardening now In circulation al the Portage PutJfc Library Flower Garden -Back-yard Fanner Bush Fruits I Hardy Garden Practical Flower Garden How to Make a Vegetable Garden First Book of Farming Book of Garden Plans Rexford Four Seasons in a Garden Productive Orcharding! Beautiful Gardens Ant- A SUBSTITUTE DRAWS THE TEETH PROM MATHESON BILL The city of Appleton Is the latest to make provision for this tourist traffic The city council has made as- signment of Silicia park for this purpose This park is located on a high bluff overlooking Fox river It offers a most pleasing site and the region about Is noted for Its picturesque beauty All Jhe usual facilities are to be furnished and a permanent caretaker will bq assigned to look after the and needs of the cords show that every state In the Ain ion haa an Increased membership More than $108000000 was pledged by more than 1000000 people This fund la now being put to active use In very many ways Together with the Evangelical work at home and abroad a great work of Americanisation la being carried oa In the United States Contributions are made for the maintenance of pastors and workers In the United States and ita Insular possessions Missionary work is carried on In the groat Industrial centers Then the foreign work is extensive Relief has been glvea to (early every European atate to North Africa and the Near East Centenary funds' practically saved the Methodist church In India and China from Alsaster during the past year due to the great reductioa la the purchasing price of the American dot-tor the new civilisation that la being evolved out of the existing wreckage of many nations and the rapid development of others the church hopes and 'expects to play its part mora effectively through the financial support of the Centenary fund We recently mentioned the importance of the work of the reappointment committee ot the legislature and call ed attention to their power to apportion the districts in favor ot a particular party And now comes a senator and charges that the committee Is fixed 4 to 1 In favor of the wet interests know nothing of the of the charge but it could well be true and the committee could do very effective work in determining (lie complexion of the districts So rould a majority of dry members on the committee To do any very Effective work for or -against prohibition however the committee must have data showing the nqtnber of voters In each prerinct and the numbers voting for and against prohibition In some recent election As no such drta la at hand the members oi the committee would be ratber at sea In their reckoning The vote of the women will further complicate the problem as will the demand1 that will hr made by the dominant political party in the committee that Its Interests be served first Indeed it Is impracticable to look after two separate Interests In gerrymander At least the difficulty Is ten time as great aa when ther la but one In view Tbomaa Ryan of Kllbourn wav in thla city Friday His little son John Is still at SL hospital but his condition Is improving NEW SCREEN YOUNGSTER 1 IN PRISCILLA DEAN PICTURE r)ca Waugh RAT KILLING PARTIES MAY 800N BECOME POPULAR The qew substitute for the Mathe-soa prohibition enforcement bill is meeting the combined opposition of the dry forces In the legislature The chief objections to it are that It per-nllt -beer and wine to be prescribed Ithout limit Instead of one pint every ten days that It placet no limit aa to the percent ot alcohol which may be prescribed in wine or beer that It provides federal ruling ahalf prevail when they clash with Wisconsin rulings and that it deprives district attorneys of the right to revoke permits and leaves It in the hands of the prohibition commissioner Mr Stanley Smith who Is understood to American Apple Orchard New pamphlet iromihe UnlverMty of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Moore Si Leith Wisconsin Rye How to Prune Small Fruits Vaughan ft Johnson Seed Grain DAILY RADIO (Received by Frederick Leisch) The sudden plunge Into mid-winter weather with' deep snow here has failed to dampen' the ardor of the hundreds of workers getting things In shape for the great University Exposition now but five days off The famous submarine detecting device will he demonstrated tn the swimming pool "and journalism students will produce completely a newspaper three times dally in full view ot the visitors A model Industral employment hu- According lo advance reports one of the hits the Priscilla Dean feature coming to the Home Theatre on Tuesday and Wednesday April J9 and 20- Is scored by an absolute newcomer to the screen The little obnoxious rodent the common barn ad house rat is "In NEW CITY COUNCIL TO meet for organization with Badger solons Both houses ofHls name Is Stanley and he the legislature have passed the Wlet- only three years old Considering tenhiller bill Intended Jo accomplish that he IS traveling In fast company the decimation ir not extermination In this feature In which appear Lon of the pest It la said that every rat' Chaney WheeleV Oakrnan A Wtr-on the farm costs the farmer $2 a ren Ralph Lewis and other screen year when the state only allow a 'remarkable nickel apiece for just another case where the" fanner Is" forced to below cost of Well looka like a "losing celebrfties little auccoa la rean will be a featnre exhibit at tie University Exposition April 21 to 23 be the author of the proposed suhstl-Visitors will assume the role of Job 'tuts seeker-" dlF Clerk Loomis announce common conn holdover and hcwly elected will meet -at the council chambers iq uj ejty hall on Tuesday srening April IS 8 for organization 4 The Wife's Birthday general thing after a woman has been married a few year sbo tries when her hatband forgets her birthday and rear when hi dvrttoe Dallas New' Ladenberger haa returned from Milwaukee and la making arrangements to go Into business la Portage Mrs Born of Dalton wee In til dty Friday.

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